Great Games for Siblings to Learn While Having Fun


There are many games that two siblings can play at home. When siblings play games with each other, it strengthens their sense of sharing and the emotional bond between them. You can play these games with your children and help them during the game. Mothers with two or more children will love these suggestions and siblings will have fun with these games.

1. Coloring Game

Create comfortable spaces for your children to paint freely. Take different age-appropriate paints and blank sheets of paper and leave your children alone to paint according to their imagination.

You can also ask your children to share the paints with each other while they play. This way they will learn to share while having fun. In addition, using their hands while painting will help them develop their hand and finger muscles.

2. Camping Game

You can make tents for your children out of sofa cushions, sheets and pillows. You can give them toys, books and something to eat. The rest is up to your children's creativity.

In camping games, siblings learn to share with each other. They will also develop story-making and role-playing skills.

3. Hide and seek

Hide and seek has always been one of children's favorite games. You can choose which one of your children will be the midwife by flipping a coin, and while the midwife sibling counts blindfolded, you can help the other sibling hide. They will both have fun and strengthen their communication while searching for each other.

Hide and seek improves your children's visual perception and hearing skills.  They learn the concepts of planning and sequencing more easily.

4. Hot-Cold Game

One child hides an item in a corner of the room without the other seeing it. The hider says 'Hot' as he/she gets closer to the item and 'Cold' as he/she gets farther away. In this way, it allows him/her to find the item he/she hides.

With this game, your children's verbal perception will improve, while their focus and attention on a subject will also improve.

5. Word Game

This is a fun and useful game for school-age children. One of the children says the first word that comes to mind. The game continues in this way by saying the related words one after the other. When an unrelated word is said, the game returns to the beginning. The aim is to get back to the first word. During the game, you can help your children find words and teach them the game.

The association game will help your children develop their memory and perception skills.

6. What's the Matter Game

One brother identifies an object and remembers it. The other asks what is wrong with it. The child who identifies the object helps the other child find the object with his/her answers. The sibling who decides on the object asks questions until they find it. You can help your children during the game and teach them the game.

The game will help your children develop their memory and perception skills.

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