Fun Games to Play with Babies Over One Year Old


Fun Games to Play with Babies Over One Year Old

Your handful of 1 year olds need games to release their energy. "So which games can I play with my 1 year old baby?" we hear you ask. Here are some game suggestions for babies over 1 year old.

Games for Babies Over 1 Year Old

First of all, let us remind you that you don't need to buy special toys for babies over one year old. You can play many games without toys and even create brand new games.  Here are some special games for your baby over 1 year old that you can play with the things in your home:

        🎠 You won't believe how much fun your baby has with a pot, lid and ladle.

        🎠 Cushions and blankets are the perfect toys for your baby. You can make a tent out of cushions and blankets and spend adventurous moments in it.

        🎠 If your baby is just starting to sort or can walk with support, you can play various games so that they can pick up their favorite toys.

        🎠 Your baby will enjoy playing with toys with wheels that they can ride on and accelerate off the ground.

        🎠 Now that your baby has fully learned to walk, it is difficult to hold him/her. She likes games where she can walk and run freely. When you take him outside, you can play games such as running, catching, climbing as his space is wider.

        🎠 He likes to stack things or toys on top of each other as his manual dexterity is developing. They can also fill and empty things and enjoy it very much.

        🎠 You can make towers with cubes that fit in his hand and that he can easily grasp. He will enjoy washing the towers you have made.

        🎠 Remember that every child likes to play with a ball. You can play fun games with the ball, especially outdoors.

        🎠 With swings, seesaws and slides in playgrounds, your baby can play for hours without getting bored.

        🎠 Playing with water and sand is also one of babies' favorite games. You can play various games together by filling buckets with sand and water.

        🎠 After the age of 2, you can play with play dough, finger paints, wooden puzzles, interlocking toys.

What should my baby's playground at home look like?

Your baby can start crawling or walking after the age of 1 year. In other words, they can reach places they could not reach before. Now, rummaging through cupboards or pulling things out can also become a game for your baby. You can remove items that are not age-appropriate from the places your baby can reach. Other things you can pay attention to for your baby to play safely are as follows:

         ✔️Bebeğinizin You can create a safe space where your baby can play with toys and explore their surroundings. Don't hesitate to make a few changes in your home.

         You can take care not to leave your baby alone while playing ✔️Oyun. In fact, playing together will give her more pleasure.

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